Cabrillo-Diego Branch, of San Diego, California is part of AAUW, American Association of University Women, a national organization that promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change. AAUW offers scholarships, action for gender equity, and support for personal and professional growth, community leadership, and friendship.

The Cabrillo-Diego branch members organize projects and community work such as Tech Trek STEM camp. We also have fun — book and film discussions, Great Decisions and interesting monthly programs. 

AAUW’s Purpose

  • Promote lifelong education
  • Advocate gender equity
  • Support legislation on issues affecting women and children
  • Interact  with other professional women

AAUW History

Founded in 1881, the AAUW now represents over 150,000 college graduates across the United States. The Association is also part of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) with members in 67 countries around the world. At state, national and international levels, AAUW values and seeks members of every race, creed, age, national origin, sexual orientation, and level of physical ability.



